Create Email Signature GMail

Thursday, March 19, 2009 | 12:17 PM|

As explained in our Email Signature tutorial, including contact information with each and every email you send is important to developing future sales and providing information on how clients can get ahold of you.
In this tutorial we are going to create an email signature in GMail.

Create an Email Signature in GMail

Login into your GMail account.
Select Settings link in the top right.
Setting screen will appear with General tab selected

Scroll down to Signature.
Select the radio button beside the empty text box.
Type the information you wish to have in your signature in the empty text box.
Scroll futher down the page until you see the Save Changes button.
Click the Save Changes button.
GMail goes back to your Inbox.

That was pretty easy. Now to test if it worked.

Test Email Signature in GMail

Now that you have a signture set up you should test that it is working and looking the way you wanted it to.

From your Inbox, click the Compose Mail link in the top left.
A new screen will appear with an empty new email and your signature included

Did you notice, your signature was automatically inserted.

How is it looking?

If you feel you need to revise your signature, just go back to Settings and repeat the process above.

Now each email will contain the information on how to contact you when sending GMail and free advertising when you email your friends!