Role Kiras Bangun / Garamata Karo Society in the Middle

Thursday, February 19, 2009 | 2:30 PM|

Kiras Bangun Batukarang born in the years around 1852. simple appearance, with the authoritative style and language of expression sympathetic. Society named him Garamata which means "Red Eye".
Kiras Bangun Batukarang born in the years around 1852. simple appearance, with the authoritative style and language of expression sympathetic. Society named him Garamata which means "Red Eye". Masamudanya he often went from one village to another village in the series of visits untukterwujudnya family ties of kinship and maintain Merga Silima norms indigenous culture Karodengan baik.Pemerintahan existing at that time called the Village and the Undo berdirisendiri / autonomy. The way the wheels of government dititikberatkan on customary norms. Not infrequently pulaterjadi dispute between Undo and inter-village with a range of issues motif.
parties that bertikai, frequent invite Garamata consecutive times to solve problems. With impartiality, brave and responsible act Garamata firm but wise and prudent, based on signal " Rakut Sitelu" (Kalimbubu, Sembuyak and Anakberu) already be entrenched in a life - days.
In act he always hold fast to the principles justify the righteous, not aligned, causing a variety of disputes can be peacefully diredakan that satisfy all parties.
Simpati community is not limited dikawasan Tanaha Karo alone, but extends to areas such as: Land Pinem Dairi, Singkil Aceh Selatan, Aceh Selatan Gayo Alas, Langkat and Deli Serdang. Relationships with these areas maintained neat, all the more persistence resistance of the people of Aceh and South Aceh Tenggara to the Dutch colony, be admired and monitored the situation.
Background Expansion Netherlands to Tanah Karo
In the year 1870, the Netherlands was occupied Sumatra in the East and around Langkat Binjai open tobacco and rubber plantations. Netherlands want to expand the business to Tanah Karo plantation by reason of land in the vicinity of Binjai has been planted out.
Tanah Karo because the Dutch are known as buffalo drawer purposes of the train from Tanah Karo. Besides, Binjai at that time the city has become populated-tuan tuan garden area, where many Dutch people from Karo Karo High and have worked as, among the plantation workers and foreman.
popularity Kiras Banguna / Garamata already known by the Dutch population of Langkat more and more clear from the Build Nimbang still have family ties with it. For that arise desire a friendship with the Netherlands in order to be entered Garamata Tanah Karo to open the plantation business. Approval Garamata Netherlands coming up will be given the reward money, and weapons-grade. jobs Netherlands contain such purposes is difficult to guess the hidden especially Karo Land is not knowledgeable enough to be plantations.
occurrence of hostility with the Dutch
Netherlands Nimbang Messenger Build has been back and forth to the Land of Binjai Karo Netherlands, but the desire to enter the Land of Karo still declined. This decision was taken after discussion with the kings Figure Karo as follows:

1st The Netherlands for the Karo people are friends with the accepted origin of mutual respect and honor.
2. The desire to enter the Dutch Land Karo declined.
3. Netherlands does not need to intervene in the matter of the government in the Land of Karo Karo people because this can set themselves according to their own peradatannya.

The Netherlands signed in Tanah Karo realized in the year 1902, together with Guillaume send a number of Dutch soldiers as Tanah Karo pengawalnya to get after the previous permission of the Head Undo one another.
Garamata several times to give warning to leave the Land of Karo but Guillaume did not want to leave. Then Garamata working with several successful dispel Undo Guillaume, after 3 months living in Kabanjahe.
Since the expulsion timbullah top feud with the Netherlands. Development of the situation that has been submitted to tighten figures Aceh Tenggara Aceh Selatan and neighboring regions as that of the same. Then Garamata assigns some people to find out information about the desire to Tanah Karo Netherlands with a plea to open the plantation, which will force the action is. From figures Aceh Tenggara and Aceh Selatan these answers will help Garamata.
situation developing in Tanah Karo is the heat ever since Guillaume and complete a number of armed pengawalnya occupied Kabanjahe. Garamata and followers, attempted to collect all your strength. Undo meeting / Meeting Chair is the only means of the most easy to deliver a variety of situations to the whole figure Undo / Undo forces and carry out plans.
Undo Through meetings, Garamata in pengarahannya Undo formed troops and a bunker on each Undo. Undo army weaponry consists of a sword, chopping knife, spear, and gun (in a limited number of) available in each of Undo. Thus, efforts to concentrate power, inspire the spirit of stubborn resistance and vigilance is not united while dilengahkan the determination Garamata pursuivant-followers and the faithful. Facts prove that the meeting in Three Jeraya Undo able to mobilize thousands of people men and women the "Oath against Netherlands faithful" who pengucapannya conducted at the same time that menggemuruh.
meeting Undo done as much as 6 times, and the largest meeting Jeraya Surbakti. Intervention in the Netherlands Seberaya Generating Anger Garamata. On the 1904 expedition soldiers came from the Netherlands through Gayo Alas Aceh and Medan to Dairi. In the way to Medan, Tanah Karo through, the troops entered the village where Seberaya when that happens civil war. In the Dutch troops descend on the village Sukajulu going battle with the troops Simbisa Undo Undo and troops killed 20 people. Perisitiwa bloody in some places the figure is an indication that the Dutch Karo has trample the sovereignty of the people Karo. Suspicion that such Garamata purpose coming to Tanah Karo Netherlands is like the Langkat colonize. Garamata ensure that the war inevitable, and therefore some people assigned to Alas and Gayo obtain assistance as agreed a year ago.


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