Perintah Windows API : GetLastError

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 | 11:38 AM|

API Explanation
GetLastError returns the error code returned by the last API function called. Most API functions merely return a number saying if an error occured, but not what kind of error. This function will return a universal error code identifying the type of error that last occured. Note that most functions set the code to 0 (success) if the function completes successfully, erasing the previous error code. Therefore, be sure to check this error code immediately after an error is found.

Parameter Information
Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long


' Demonstrate catching an invalid handle error
Dim retval As Long ' return value of function
Dim errorcode As Long ' error code

' Make an invalid call to the following function by giving it an invalid handle
retval = CloseHandle(-1) ' there is no handle -1!
If retval = 0 Then ' the return value will be 0 if an error occured
errorcode = GetLastError() ' find the error code
If errorcode = 6 Then Debug.Print "ERROR: Invalid Handle Specified" ' error 6 = invalid handle
End If